Tuesday, May 8, 2012

National Pet Month

May is National Pet Month, a celebration of the joys of pet ownership.  Many of the staff here at Syosset Public Library have pets that are a big part of their families; we love and care for them and in return they give us companionship, devotion, joy.  So without any further introduction, as they are all clamoring for attention, here are the beloved pets of library staff:

Visitors of the Children's Room know that the library has its own resident pet, crowntail betta Spike.
Spike's current literary genre of choice is animal fiction, as he is very curious to read stories about how other pets (who don't reside in a library) live.  Spike's favorite hobbies are:  staring at the librarians while adorably fluttering his fins in the hopes of getting a bloodworm or some flakes, 
and a good old-fashioned game of "follow the finger."

Megan of Reference has three pets:  two birds (Adri and Rockne) and a dog (Bailey).   Adri's favorite book is anything you put in front of her (the pages are so tasty!)  Hobbies include flying at breakneck speeds, whistling from a large repertoire of tunes (Star Wars is her favorite) and and snuggling. 
 Part-time guard bird.


Rockne's favorite genre is science fiction.  Hobbies include food fights, hopping up and down, watching TV and exploring strange new places.

Bailey's favorite book is This one! No, this one! All of them!  His hobbies include running around in circles, jumping up and giving people high fives, 
chasing rabbits (but never catching them) and belly rubs.

Bitsy the guinea pig  (being held by Lisa of Reader's Advisory's daughter Lauren) enjoys eating lettuce and yogurt bites, playing in her playpen, watching T.V, her favorite book is the Hunger Games, and she loves being held and brushed.

Sharon of Teen Services' parakeets: Ozzy (left) and Kermie (right).  Ozzy, who is painfully shy, reads mostly self-help books; Kermie, who is more daring, enjoys action and adventure.

Jean of Circulation's beautiful dog Maggie has a unique talent:  she smiles 
(although sadly not in this photo!).

Pam of Programming's cat April's favorite book is How Kittens Grow by Millicent Selsam.
Her favorite activities are lying around, lying around on her dad, rolling around, sitting around, sitting around in her “kitty duplex”, having her beeauuutiful fur combed and eating.

Jessikah of Children's cat Isis enjoys playing with toys, sleeping in the sun, getting pet, being fed, cuddling, snuggling, and looking pretty.  Her favorite book: whatever is in a warm lap.

Mocha is a 10 month old puppy belonging to Pam of Children's and Reference. She likes to read books about balls and other puppies. She especially loves to write her own stories but sometimes she gets distracted and chews up the pencil.

Max the Norfolk Terrier belongs to Lakshmi of Media. He loves his food and his Moroccan bed. 
 He chases planes and squirrels.

Jackie of Reader's Advisory has four cats at home (Emma, Dempsey, Autumn and Riley):  Emma loves to curl up on the bed and read cozy books about families and their pets.....  

....Dempsey is named after the boxer Jack Dempsey, so he likes to read books about sports....  

...Autumn’s favorite holiday is Halloween, so she likes to read spooky books like ghost stories....  

....Riley is a very curious little cat and likes to read mystery books.  
If there’s a mystery to be solved, Riley is on the case. 

Daisy belongs to Barney of Reference.  She is a playful little girl who loves chasing birds and bugs in her back yard. She hardly ever catches one, though. Daisy also loves to dig. 
Daisy likes to learn about other animals, and her favorite book is Cat Secrets  by Jef Czekaj.

Erica of Reference has one rabbit (Shadow) and two cats (Cuddles and Chicky).  
Shadow's favorite book is The Velveteen Rabbit. 
Here, he and his friend Chuck the duck are getting ready for their baths.

Cuddles' favorite book is The Cat in the Hat, as you can obviously see. 

Chicky's favorite book is Rip Van Winkle, because he got to sleep for a long, long time.

Max the Havanese is very attached to his mom, Alisa of Reference.  
He likes to sit and listen to classical music on the bed for relaxation.  
He also likes to chase everything in the neighborhood especially the other dogs and birds.

For Sunshine (belonging to Rosemarie G. of Circulation), life is really all about food, food, and more food.  Cookbooks are his favorite literary genre for non-fiction.
Mysteries are his favorite fiction genre and his favorite series (not surprisingly) 
is written by Rita Mae Brown.

Bella is Maria of Circulation's Lhasa Apso.

Luca belongs to me (Sue Ann of Children's).  Sadly, he has no interest in books, despite much encouragement.  He is, however, relentless and single-minded in pursuit of his one true passion -- food. 

Posted by Sue Ann

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