Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Help Me Turn Over A New Leaf

(Guest blogger, library fish extraordinaire, Gordon Bob)

News Flash! Autumn is here. Apparently it's a season that has something to do with leaves. I know this because:

1. I listen to everything (despite not having ears)


2. I suddenly have a leaf.

Yes, I said a "leaf". Singular. Just one. My very own leaf. Now, I'm sure you're wondering why in a watery world does a library fish need a leaf?!!? Good question!

The answer is, I don't know. I really have no idea what I'm supposed to do with it. One day I woke up from a nap, poked my head through my comfy little barrel, and there was a big, green, oblong-floating thing stuck right to the inside of my tank! It's even bigger than me (but not nearly as colorful). I have spent the last month trying to get to the bottom of it (sometimes literally). Is it friend, or foe? I've swam around it. It does nothing. I've blown a few bubbles at it. Nada. I even jumped on it and tried to wrestle it to the bottom. Zip. Zero. I've got nothing, and I need some help.

Do you have any ideas? If so, I'd love to hear them (with my non-ears). Perhaps you're coming in for our Lego Club today. Or maybe you'll be visiting soon for storytime, Music of the Earth, or to take out your favorite book or DVD. Be sure to drop by my tank and give me a clue because until then, I am an utterly befuddled fish.

Happy Leaf... I mean, Autumn. Sigh.

Posted By-Gordon Bob Splash, Library Fish Extraordinaire

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