Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I Scream, you scream!

On a hot summer's day is there anything better than a nice cold scoop of ice cream?

The answer is, yes! Two nice cold scoops of ice cream!

Through the years I have had so many different, "favorite" flavors of ice cream. Once upon a time, it was coffee flavored. Then it was chocolate peanut butter, then it was mint chocolate chip, then I just went for plain old vanilla with hot fudge on top, then it was chocolate chip cookie dough, THEN...oh you get the idea.

Once upon a time ice cream was not available in the United States! The first recorded instance of the desert being served on our shores was in 1744 when a gentleman wrote about eating this treat at a banquet prepared by the then governor of Maryland, Thomas Bladen. Vanilla ice cream is said to have been introduced by Thomas Jefferson after a visit to France. Jefferson brought the recipe home with him and the rest is American history!

Many people believe ice cream was created in China when some people decided to mix yak's milk with water ices! No one is quite sure when the Chinese started making ice cream, but Marco Polo brought their recipes back to Italy in the 13th century. At some point someone realized that the treat might taste better with cow's milk.

From that point on many adventurous inventors have tried their hands at improving on what many believe is the perfect desert. For instance, did you know that the ice cream pop was created when someone decided it might be a fun idea to combine the deliciousness of an Eskimo Pie with the fun of a lollipop? This was called the "Good Humor" bar, and was first enjoyed by the public in 1921.

Ice Cream also comes in many more flavors than ever before! Some are undeniably indulgeant such as Ben and Jerry's aptly named, "Chubby Hubby", which consists of fudge covered, peanut butter filled pretzels, in malt vanilla flavored ice cream, with fudge and peanut butter ripples.
If that doesn't sound too strange for you, than how about Lobster flavored ice cream? If this doesn't sound like your cup of tea, you needn't worry. You would need to travel to Bar Harbor, Maine to try it.

What is the most unusual flavor of Ice Cream which I have tried, you ask? Green Tea ice cream is a refereshing twist on the treat. It is more readily available than Lobster flavored, and has an Asian influence which seems so very appropriate given ice cream's Asian origins.

-Posted by Miss Jessikah

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