Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Shot Heard 'Round the World

Today is my father’s birthday. He would have been 89 years old. Since I can no longer celebrate with him, I wanted to honor his memory by blogging about something he really enjoyed: Baseball and his beloved Brooklyn Dodgers. It is spring and baseball season is just beginning, so it seems the perfect time to highlight a book about a famous moment in baseball history: The Shot Heard ‘Round the World by Phil Bildner. It’s set in 1951, during the National League playoff series with the Brooklyn Dodgers against the New York Giants. From my Dad’s stories, I feel like I know all the players; even the places and street names are familiar to me. The language and illustrations bring you right into that time and place. And while the ending is sad (for the Dodgers and their faithful), it is still a thrilling time and the book captures that anticipation and excitement perfectly. I’ve heard so much about the Dodgers all my life, I’m sorry they don’t play in Brooklyn any more.

Happy Birthday, Dad.

Posted by Sue Ann

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